Read Our Blogs

Read Our Blogs

The Most Difficult Decision: Knowing When to Say Goodbye to a Pet

Every night, he’s warmed the foot of your bed; each morning, he’s greeted you with a wagging tail and the leash, ready for another adventure…but for months now, things have been different. He no longer has the energy for those walks and often struggles with getting comfortable. He’s eating less. He’s spending more time alone……

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When the Time Comes: How to Help a Friend Cope with Pet Loss

The loss of a beloved pet is a day every pet owner dreads. The heart-wrenching ordeal is an inevitable part of pet ownership, but that fact doesn’t make it any easier to cope with such an enormous loss. It can be difficult to know what to do or say to comfort a friend who is…

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Dog on the Run: Dealing with Pets Who Like to Escape

So, this time you think you’ve fortified the backyard enough to keep out an army (or, rather, keep them in). And yet, come morning, your dog has managed to slip through a gap in the fence only a contortionist should be able to manage. Pets who like to escape can be a major source of…

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Coping with Pet Loss

The grief that accompanies pet loss can be immense and difficult to bear. Whether your pet’s passing was unexpected or the inevitable result of a long life well lived, the fact remains that you must now learn to live with the void that has been left after the loss of your family member and friend.…

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Crossing the Rainbow Bridge: Pet Loss

For many pet owners, nothing is more difficult than saying our final good-byes to our faithful, four-legged family members. From making hard decisions regarding end-of-life care, to surviving the days, weeks, and months ahead, the death of a pet can be difficult for even the most stoic of hearts to overcome. Many pet owners don’t…

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